
More people speak Mandarin, simplified and traditional Chinese, than any other language in the world. It is an official language of mainland China, Taiwan, and Singapore, which puts the number of speakers over one billion. It’s an important language for business worldwide and is also used by countless everyday people in Asian communities across the United States and Europe.

The Global Audience You Need

With such a massive potential audience, it’s critical to get the most accurate translations and highest quality voice-overs possible. The way your message sounds impacts its power and, consequently, viewers’ perception of your content and brand. And this need goes far beyond brand marketing: e-learning and in-house training packets require native speakers to prevent misunderstandings and potentially serious errors. Proper voiceover dubbing empowers you to expand your reach and achieve your goals, whether it’s to entertain, enlighten, or build credibility.

Mandarin Translations

With our team of native speakers that are extensively trained and certified by organizations such as the American Translators Association (ATA) and the Translators Association of China (TAC), you can rest assured that your translation will be authentic and accurate. Each translation is done manually by an experienced translator and reviewed for quality assurance by a second equal or better translator. Our proofreaders and editors review translations for optimal word choice, punctuation, grammar, spelling, and formatting to ensure complete accuracy. We have translated hundreds of documents, letters, brochures, flyers, certificates, business cards, websites, and more.

Mandarin Voice Overs

Age, gender, and tone make or break your message. With our wide selection of native male and female Mandarin speakers of all ages, we can provide exactly the sound and style you need for any type of project — from a professional announcer to an informative narrator or a conversational e-learning character. Authentic Chinese voice artists increase the listener’s understanding and enjoyment of your content, ensuring your message gets through. We have voiced and dubbed hundreds of e-learning courses, videos, radio and TV commercials, audiobooks, phone messaging systems (IVR), announcements, and more.

Authentic Mandarin Voice Talent

Unlike other companies, we exclusively hire native speakers born and raised in China with extensive voiceover experience. Not only do you get a native Mandarin speaker with an appropriate local accent and inflection, you get someone who has mastered the art of using voice to communicate effectively with their target. The last thing you want in your voiceover or video is a perfect Mandarin speaker with a monotone voice and no emotion.

Quality Recordings

All our voiceovers are recorded in professional home or broadcast-quality studios. We review each recording through our rigorous quality-assurance process to ensure that it is free of errors, noise, and extraneous sounds such as large breaths, clicks, and lip smacks.

Language Experts

At Natively Fluent, we choose only the most experienced translators and talented voiceover artists with native fluency in their primary language. When you combine our translation and voiceover abilities with our focus on delivering the best finished project possible, you get a highly polished and professional result. We also offer other services in Chinese languages such as Cantonese, Taiwanese, and Wu Chinese, as well as English with localized accents to pinpoint your target audience even more.

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